
The banner saga 1 onef kills oddleif
The banner saga 1 onef kills oddleif

I suggest growing some balls instead of hoping it all works out, Rook. What happens the first time the varl don't want to do what you tell them? If Krumr gave the word, I guarantee at least half would follow. They might voluntarily put a sword in your gut, too. You're telling me they have no problem following a man's orders now? What about the varl? You don't even know half those warriors. I mean, it seems pretty clear they'd die to protect you. Your companions from Skogr, they're loyal. I've been watching folks since I joined you. How well do you know the people travelling with us? Luckily, no one is injured, but you leave the crumbling building behind. Just as they are announcing an 'all-clear', a varl leans against a support, which gives way and a third of the structure crumbles. Several volunteers search the building with weapons drawn. Sounds marginally preferable to the dredge, but there's a slight problem: I don't think our food is going to last us that long. Still ever southward, to Boersguard! A mess of a city where people go to buy things nobody else is willing to sell, where the rich are extremely rich and the poor are extremely poor. You can stay there until your food supplies run out and everyone starves to death, and Juno will never find you there. So, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding of Sigrholm is this: If you continue to stay after that heavy-handed warning that you shouldn't, then nothing happens. It took a couple days to cross, but now we're good. It takes a while, but you manage to cross the enormous mud-pit outside of Sigrholm with an intact, if cranky, caravan of people. The footing is sticky and slow, but the water isn't too deep outside the town. Soon you're walking through ankle-deep water and thick mud, hoping that the rest of the caravan can hold out. You pack everything up and take as much weight off the wagons as you can. I was going to stop here for a third vote, but let's not kid ourselves about the outcome. The caravan packs up and prepares to leave. Eyvind casts his eyes upon the ground, but doesn't protest. The first vote was to stay, but when we do.

The banner saga 1 onef kills oddleif