#Level up tv show dante full
Full NXT UK results for March 18, 2022, featuring Dante Chen taking on Bodhi Hayward in a thrilling clash, Xyon Quinn engaging Damon Kemp in a slugfest, and Valentina Feroz looking to settle the score with Lash Legend. While Nickandmore! makes every effort to have the most reliable and accurate information possible, no guarantee is being made. NXT Level Up results: Chen edges Hayward after unsolicited assist from Stone. Answer the questions below as honestly as you can and discover your fate. This test, sponsored by the community (the fine people who brought you the famous Personality Disorder Test ), is based on the description of Hell found in Dante's Divine Comedy. Wyatt - He is friends with Dante and is sometimes grossed out. The following matches were taped on Tuesday in Orlando, Florida at the WWE Performance Center for tonight’s NXT Level Up television show. Welcome to the Dante's Inferno Hell Test, the original and the best. Monsters from a video game enter the real world. They make jokes about other people and help each other out when it is needed. TV Shows Originals Events Networks Trailers Sign In Shop Level Up. They seem to joke around with each other a lot. Full NXT UK preview for March 18, 2022, featuring Dante Chen taking on Bodhi Hayward in a thrilling clash, Xyon Quinn engaging Damon Kemp in a slugfest, and Valentina Feroz looking to settle the score with Lash Legend. Dante is one of the four main character in the Level Up show and movie. The Inferno describes Dante's journey through Hell, guided by the ancient. It is followed by Purgatorio and Paradiso. Nickandmore! gains no monetary profit from anything related to this website. NXT Level Up preview: Chen and Hayward primed for monumental clash. Inferno ( Hell) Purgatorio ( Purgatory) Paradiso ( Heaven) Inferno ( Italian: ifrno Italian for 'Hell') is the first part of Italian writer Dante Alighieri 's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. Codeĭisclaimers: Nickandmore! is not associated with any television network or media organization. High Confidence This episode list is considered as accurate as possible. The episode codes are official numbers used by the network. The dates, days and times listed are for their first appearance on the network.

The episode list and air dates below are for Cartoon Network in the United States. Usher, Connor Del Rio, Aimee Carrero, and Lonny Ross.
#Level up tv show dante series
The series stars Gaelan Connell, Jessie T. Wyatt, Lyle, Dante and Angie are ordinary high-school students and avid gamers who frequently play the massively multiplayer online game “Conqueror of All Worlds.” But when the teens open a portal from the game into the real world, they must “level up” by protecting their real-life town from game villain Maldark and other game characters, all while attending school during the day and trying to lead normal lives (or at least as normal as a teenager’s life can be). The live-action Cartoon Network show lasted for two seasons and 35 total episodes. After losing four straight singles matches, Quinn bounced back on the March 18 Level Up episode with a win over Damon Kemp.
#Level up tv show dante movie
Level Up debuted as a TV movie in November 2011 before the TV series premiere in January 2012. Tonight’s NXT Level Up will open with Xyon Quinn vs. Find more articles for Episode Lists, Live-Action Series Episode Lists